Pop Off website update

An update on the technical progress of Pop Off, the pre-release song promotion site I'm working on for Toneway

Hey y'all - I wanted to take this time to recap what's been done an look forward to what's outstanding. First off, Pop Off is what I'm calling a song pre-launch fan organization platform, that I plan on launching with Toneway's upcoming song Falling. This project started with an RFC. First off, to everyone that commented on the RFC - thank you! The benefit of the RFC was both to get the helpful feedback of friends, but also to get my thoughts organized.

Status of things

The website is deployed at https://the-way-of-tone.netlify.app, and I got auth working on deployed.

In short, the website is nearly feature complete, but looks far from ready. I'll put together a future post about design, as I'd like to achieve launch feature complete first. I think it should be ready to launch mid February.

Completed Functionality -

  • Users can give us their email to access the music streaming page
  • Users can listen to the streamed song from AWS on the auth gated song page
  • Users can fill out the volunteer form, and it's persisted in the database

Outstanding Work

Additional nice-to-haves

  • It'd be nice if the share URL were shorter
  • Netlify SMPT has some pretty strict rate limiting. Both Mailchimp and AWS have impressive free tiers, at 1000 emails a month and 3000 emails a month respectively.